Learn from the beginning

Feb 2, 2009

I have 2 reasons to build this site that I like the blogging world since a few years ago, this is the first reason and second reason is because I want to make money extra income in addition to my routine now. Then I try to gradually deepens knowledge in the online business while also adding that knowledge in making a good site design, at least for my own.

And as a result is not yet visible, especially if the questions, if I was in the online business make money? NOT the answer. However, to answer the second question, if I have increased skills in making the site. The answer is YES even though the site isn't the world-class skill, but my site is enough to make sizable if compared to some months ago. This is my results in studying the site design.

Then I think again, when I able to make money in online business? The answer is very depending on the willingness and speed to understand this field.
With another sentence, I still "children" in the business, and I still have to learn quickly in order to "mature" after "adult" able to make money in this business. Although everything looks slow and tiring, but "the way" this certainly is passed by the powerful internet marketers that are currently able to generate money for their prosperity, I want to like them ! With a slow but sure, I can reach my goal ...

to be countinued...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, learn from beginning is a great way ....

alon alon asal kelakon


Ningsih said...

@Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 : You bet your life ! That's the best way for beginners...

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