Learn about adsense ad units display

Jan 29, 2009

In the forums about adsense that I follow, and sites that contain any posts about adsense, often discussed on how to optimize a site with adsense in it can get a good revenue from adsense. And I think that the techniques used by publishers to optimize their adsense sites no more than the development of basic techniques that have been given adsense site optimization.

Apart from the optimization technique before, one of the most important way to improve adsense income is how to bring the site traffic that we get many visitors and there are hopes that visitors click on the adsense code.

Here are some tips on optimizing adsense :
1. Use ad units in the box with the size of 336x280, 300x250 and 250x250. Should avoid because of the size 468x60 visitors already know that it is the ad.

2. Place an ad unit at the top of the site, known by the term "above the fold", which means when anyone visited the site so they could get a adsense ad unit without scrolling display.

3. The placement of the ad units spread to the entire web page will help our sites performance.

4. Use link units according to the testimony of many publishers that income from their links units is good enough.

5. The publishers often place a search box on the right side of their site, but usually the result of the search box is not very significant.

6. Use color ad units that match the background of your site so that visitors do not realize that it was an ad. You only need to do an experiment in color ad units in order to get the best appearance.

Hopefully useful.

Thanks to Cosa Aranda


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