My wish.

Feb 7, 2009

Seeing the success of others in the online business is the reason for me to learn more seriously. How does not, you try to imagine, they are not working for others, they are free to work without time bounding, they are free to disclose the idea in their site, they are the people who have real freedom.

Learn internet business is not an easy thing to do for people who are new to the internet like me. But is not possible to be done if I have the pattern of thought as a internet marketer. An internet marketer paradigm is businessman minded, does not see obstacles as problems but see difficulties as challenges to be done. A paradigm that is different from most people.

Changing thought patterns is not as easy as it be, it takes time and discipline. In this case take the time to handle techniques of making a site, take the time to socialize the site and other things related to it. And for me it can be beaten in 1 or 2 years. The time period that is not short.

These things are challenges to one side of the self not to mention the challenges from outside for example does not have support from family as they consider the work as the internet marketer is full-tosh work, the work to remove any time without any results from the work and many other things such that. However, I should not be affected by matters such as these. I have made a decision and I have to work in accordance with my decision, whatever happens I have to be overcome.

Well friend, what about you? As a beginner, whether you also have the same thoughts as me? Or you have any other thoughts?


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